Print Date-19-12-2024
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Father's Name :
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Subject Code Subject Name Theory Practical TMA / Internal Total Result
Note: Marksheet-cum-Passing certificate will be issued to only those students who have completely passed (minimum 5 subjects including minimum one language) for certification. Read the prospectus for details.
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Note: Abbreviations used against Result:
P -- Passed, NC -- Not computable as the required data for result calculation is unavailable, AB -- Absent, SYC -- Subject Yet to be Cleared, SYCT -- Subject Yet to be Cleared in Theory, SYCP -- Subject Yet to be Cleared in Practical, TMA -- Tutor Marked Assignments IMPR -- Pass and Appeared for Improvement ADDL -- Pass and Appeared for Additional Subject, RW -- Result Withheld, RL -- Result Later, SF - Short Fee pending, UFM -- Unfair Means Case.
For result related queries send email to along with complete supporting documents
Disclaimer The Result published on the website is provisional and subject to confirmation by National Institute of Open Schooling. NIOS is not responsible for any inadvertent error that might have crept in the Result published on the website. The details published on the website are for immediate information only.
